
Davetta Henderson is a native of Washington, DC, still residing in the DMV area. She has a B.S. Degree in Organizational Management and has a successful professional career in Human Resources in the areas of Compensation, Benefits and HR Systems. Beyond God, Family, and Corporate America, Davetta is a multipreneur. She is committed to being her authentic self with a focus on her diverse passions and God-given gifts.
Davetta inherited a love for writing from her mother—a published poet. Davetta is a published author. Her first book—The Seed-The Soil-The Sower—is the introduction of a soon-to-be released, five-book series which explores our ability to reap God’s spiritual harvest. She is also co-author in two Bestselling anthologies, Step Into Leadership Greatness and We All Grieve Differently.
Davetta transformed her love for writing into a vehicle to help others share their story. She is the CEO of Full Faith Publishing, LLC—providing full-service book publishing and editing services. Full Faith is committed to helping their clients make human connections by transforming their life stories into written communication.
Apparel Designer/Jewelry Consultant
Davetta developed her apparel line—The Good Ground Collection—to share visual messages of inspiration and encouragement. .
Davetta is a licensed minister and speaker. She lives God’s word as being “More than conquerors” through her triumphs and defeats and carries a lifetime of testimonies to share from her journey with God.